Creski kaić, an event dedicated to the preservation of the maritime heritage and tradition of Cres, is calling again this year from May 27 to June 2, 2024. to the beautiful island of Cres. The organizers have prepared an attractive program, so visitors will enjoy a regatta of traditional boats, numerous workshops, bocce tournaments, Mori cantada and briskula and treshetta, an excellent entertainment program and numerous concerts, all of which will be complemented by gastronomic delicacies that will be prepared as part of the event.
The theme of this year's Cresko kaić is octopus and octopus dishes. Each day of the event will be marked by the preparation and tasting of traditional dishes based on fish and seafood.
U Monday, May 27, 2024 the sixth edition of this extremely popular event was officially opened. As part of the opening, the Josip Kašman Wind Orchestra and the Burin Klapa performed, and the briškula and trešeta tournament also began. This year, as part of the event, an old wooden boat (Creski kaić) was restored and then lowered into the sea, which marked the beginning of this event in the best way, which preserves the maritime heritage and tradition of Cres.
The rich program of events lasts until June 2. They will be able to look around exhibitions, participate in tournaments in bocce, tresetta and brischula, Mori cantada, fishing, attend lectures and workshops, enjoy gastronomic delicacies prepared in the traditional way and have a great time with musical performances klape Teha, klape Čikat, Antonija Krištofić, group Versi, Filip Flego Quartet, band Infinity and the popular Mauro Staraj & La Bande.
Program until the end of the Creski kaić 2024 event.
Tuesday, May 28 brings tournaments in briskula and treseta, bocce and lectures on the presentation of electric powered vessels, marine mammals in the Adriatic and Tuner on the island of Cres. The Italian Community of Cres is in charge of gastronomic delicacies, which prepares shrimp buzara and polenta. The evening will end with a performance by young musicians from Cres gathered in the group Versi.
On Wednesday, May 29, in addition to the continuation of the bocce and card tournaments, a Girica Kindergarten workshop on "Endangered marine species", a sailing workshop in the town lodge and a lecture on the tuners of the island of Cres are also being held. Black cuttlefish risotto will be prepared as part of the gastro part. The day will end with a concert by the Teha klapa and the Čikat klapa from a particularly attractive location - the ship Nerezinac from the waters of the Cres port. The program will include performances by the First Majorettes of Cres and the dance workshop of DV Girica Cres.
Thursday, May 30 brings the finals of the bocce, brishcula and treseta tournaments, as well as the opportunity to visit the interpretive sailing center of the maritime heritage of the island of Lošinj - Loger Nerezinac. Antonio Krištofić will perform on the city's main square.
Gathering and regatta of traditional vessels
Friday, May 31 will mark the arrival and gathering of traditional vessels as well as a very attractive open championship in "Mori cantada". Fish from the Orada Adriatic fish farm will be prepared in the gastro section. In addition, there will be a felting workshop for adults and children over the age of 12 "Wool figures", a lecture "Preserving the tradition of wooden shipbuilding", a meeting of masters of wooden shipbuilding in the Adriatic and a Creski kaić chess tournament. Especially interesting will be the event "Women are rowing on the gajeta", which is a novelty of this year's Cresko kaić. Until late into the night, all visitors will be entertained by band Infinity.
The grand finale the Creski Kaić 2024 event will be held in Saturday, June 1. In addition to the regatta of traditional sailing boats, which will start at 12 noon, there is also the always attractive bridetijada, as well as a fishing competition and the awarding of prizes to the most successful in the tournaments. Those in charge of a great party will be popular Mauro Staraj & La Banda. The night sailing of traditional boats in the port of Cres in the program called "Game of Sails and Lights" will be particularly attractive.
U Sunday, June 2 there will be a concert by the Filip Flego Quartet on the kaić, which will end this year's Creski kaić. The program of events and more information can be found at links.