Neno Belan and farewell to the Old Year at noon for the end of the year in Cres

Cres shone with a special holiday glow this year with numerous events for young and old, and the final week of 2023 brings a lot of good fun with the concert of Nene Belan and Fiumens and the farewell of the Old Year at noon.

cres decoration cube holiday
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

Rich program of Advent in Cres, which is held in the organization Tourist boards of the City of Cres and the City of Cres, and thanks to the great response of Cres associations, institutions, clubs, restaurateurs and individuals, in the past few weeks, the city of Cres was able to shine with a special holiday glow, and all generations of visitors enjoyed the numerous events! The final weekend of 2023 is upon us, which brings us a lot of great fun on the largest Croatian island!

In order to take visitors to a beautiful fairytale walk, in addition to the main city square, additional locations have been arranged. The novelty of this year's Advent is the appropriate decoration of the Moise Palace, which shone with Christmas magic. The Promenade on April 20, the central location of Advent events, which are part of every day, is particularly attractive Advent on the Promenade offers appropriate catering and a lot of entertainment.

advent in cresa program
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

The grand finale of this year's Advent events in Cres will take place on Friday, December 29. Popular Neno Belan & Fiumens will further warm up the excellent atmosphere that reigns in the city this December. The concert, which will start at 20 p.m., will take place on the Promenade on April 20 (near Porta Bragadine).

baby white in Cres
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

A rich program of events will round off the traditional one on December 31 farewell to the New Year at noon. In the company of the mayor, all the citizens and their guests will conclude 2023 with song and sweets and turn to the new year 2024.

seeing off the old year at noon in Cres
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

New Year's evening celebrations will be held as part of Advent on the Promenade at the advent houses Tamaris and Vina Miramar.


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