A city of rich tradition, significant events and local beer - all of these are Vinkovci

The town of Vinkovci is the oldest settlement in Europe, where people have been living for eight thousand years. In addition, this is a city of rich history and cultural heritage and an important archaeological site. It was found in the town on Bosut the first Indo-European calendar Orion, two Roman emperors were born there - brothers Valentinian and Valens and lived two early Christian saints - Eusebius and Polyon.

Church of St. Eusebius and Poliona, photo: Dražen Bota

There were found double molds for casting axes, a ceramic kiln, Slavic cremation tombs from the seventh century and the remains of the Bjelobord culture with a medieval settlement. A special Baroque style of the military-Krajina type remained from the period after the Ottoman Empire.

Back in 2004, Shorty sang "Come to Vinkovci", and we invite you to visit them, feel the spirit of a special culture, but also refresh yourself with homemade beer Valens. Here's what you shouldn't miss if the road takes you to Vinkovci...

The first Indo-European Orion calendar

Orion, the oldest Indo-European calendar, was found in Vinkovci. The original ceramic vessel, on which the calendar was engraved, is kept in the Vinkovci City Museum, located in one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in the city that is worth visiting.

city ​​of Vinkovci, Orion
Orion, source: Vinkovci Tourist Board

This culture existed at the time Sumerian period in Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and the early Troy. The entire range of decorations on Vučedol vessels is based on Sun and astral symbolism and Venus and Mars.

If you walk along the Vinkovci promenade, you will notice the motifs of Orion, and while walking you will see a lamp that "Burning in the middle of Vinkovci". It is a well-known light that convincingly represents one of the most famous symbols of the city.

the city of Vinkovci
Photo: Matija Šćulac. source of HTZ

Discover a love story through a walk along the Bosut

While walking through Vinkovci, in a well-known part of the city - Krnjasha, next to Bosut you will come across a monument in front of the house Ivan Kozarac and his unrequited love Marija Kozarac.

Namely, the story dates back to the 19th century when Marija and Ivan grew up together in the same street in the mentioned Vinkovci settlement Krnjaš. Despite her great love, she remained forever uncondemned because Mary and John were related in the third knee. Ivan died young from tuberculosis at the age of 25, and Marija married Vinkovci entrepreneur Guttman.

the city of Vinkovci, Kozarac
Ivan Kozarac, photo: Dražen Bota

However, for the rest of his life, Ivan loved Mary very much and dedicated a song to her "I'm fond of soot and blue" – one of the most beautiful songs written in those areas. In Vinkovac City Museum you will find Mary's clothes, and there are glasses that are Kirbay gift Mary.

A walk along a special river from Roman times

It is said that the ancient Romans used to say that they had a river in their empire which it flows to one side in the morning and to the other in the afternoon. They were thinking of Bosut, which sometimes flows so calmly that even with a small wind, the water moves in one direction or another. Bosut is said to be unique in some places natural phenomenon, so they still call it a river without a spring. It's long 186 kilometers and is the longest left tributary of the Sava. 

the city of Vinkovci
Photo source: Vinkovci Tourist Board

A part of England in Vinkovci

Apart from Orion, you will also see the British podium on the Vinkovci promenade, which is one of the favorites “Photo spots” in the city and always be occupation of tourists.

The British speaker has been in Vinkovci since the last years of the last century, and he is responsible for it Vinkovci Englishman Steve Gaunt. Namely, in 1991 he came to defend Vinkovci, fell in love with the city and stayed here where he created a large family.

How did the idea for the podium come to town come about?

The speaker was brought to the city by the Welsh humanitarian organization CARE (Croatian Aid & Relief Expedition), which was assisted by Steve Gaunt. When asked how to repay him for his help, he jokingly mentioned a pay phone that had actually arrived in town, six months later. Steve donated the podium to his city, and he still maintains and cleans it regularly.

Today, this is one of the symbols of the city, and this Valentine's Day she shined in a special outfit, decorated with flowers, which delighted all fans good selfie.

Vinkovci is a town associated with Agatha Christie's cult novel

Orient Express it is a cult novel Agatha Christie in which the famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, in his distinctive style, solved a murder case. Although it is difficult to conclude from the film adaptation of the work from 2017, the murder took place somewhere between Vinkovci and Slavonski Brod. 

Luxury train will drive again his luxurious odyssey from Italy to several European destinations including Paris, Istanbul and Split. It would be interesting if the train went back to Vinkovci, the story would have great touristic significance for Slavonia.

But the tourist recognition of the continental destination is not only based on history, tradition and culture. Vinkovci has been known as for many years sports city, and it is in this segment that the great lies tourism potential. The link between sports and the city on Bosut for most is Cibalia, a football club that has marked the recent sports history of the city, but in Vinkovci not only football is played.

What do the Orient Express, Orion - the oldest Indo-European calendar and the Roman emperors - have in common? They have Vinkovci in common!, this is what the announcement sounds like Vinkovci trilogy consisting of three races. Citizens' Sports Association FCT Vinkovci trilogy was organized for the first time during the pandemic, and despite this, it attracted a large number of interested people.

Orion race, town of Vinkovci
Photo: Dinko Nađ

You can best experience the spirit, joy and heritage of Vinkovci at events

Vinkovci Autumn are one of the largest traditional events in Croatia, and in this part of Europe. They are maintained since 1966 they are the main shocking manifestation of this area. Every year, this event is visited by between 100.000 and 150.000 visitors and records a steady increase in arrivals.

Vinkovci autumn

A special feature of Vinkovci autumns is in the process of folklore evenings, Folklore Festival, tamburitza evenings and concerts of famous musicians, but the most impressive is the ceremonial parade of all participants on the final Sunday morning when all gathered and dance together in a big circle.

Guardians of traditional culture every year they delight again with the organization and with a new experience in Autumn by which they show what they inherited from their elders and keep for future generations.

The Roman days are also significant

Roman days are a manifestation whose goal is to make the local population, as well as tourists, aware of the great history of the town on Bosut. Furthermore, the goal is to present Vinkovci as a city of rich historical heritage and archaeological finds.

Legionnaires march through the city streets, the sounds of gladiator fights and the bustle of the Roman fair resound through Lenije Park, and meanwhile all visitors can enjoy the finest delicacies of that era.

Photo: Vinkovci Tourist Board

… And finally - relax with a beer!

During the Roman Empire, two Roman emperors were born in Vinkovci Valentinian and Valens. ValentinianValens, as the popular Vinkovci craft beer is called, were two brothers born in the town then known as Colonia Aurelia Cibalae. The two together ruled the east of the Roman Empire for a time.

Although they are the ancient Romans were famous wine lovers, Emperor Valens, at least according to historians, loved beer. But beer was drunk in Pannonia even before the founding of the Roman Empire, and the tradition continued until the first half of the 20th century. Until the Second World War, it even worked in Vinkovci 14 breweries.

The festival also confirms that the tradition of drinking beer in Vinkovci has survived Beeram homemade. It started a few years ago, and at last year's edition, visitors could taste about thirty types of beer from all regions of Croatia.

Cover photo: Pedestrian zone in Vinkovci / Vinkovci Tourist Board


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