Vodnjan Tourist Board, in cooperation with the utility company Contrada, was successfully implemented planting ten tree seedlings, as part of the project "Croatia naturally yours - Croatia Naturally Yours", which further encourages the development of sustainable tourism and the preservation of natural heritage. Seedlings, with a minimum height of 140 centimeters, were selected according to the list of the Faculty of Forestry. Pine trees were planted on the Martulina promenade in Peroj (Pinus pinea L.), while olives (Olea europaea L.) enriched Kazuna Park.
This ecologically valuable project is financially supported by the Croatian Tourist Board and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, which provided the majority of the amount for this initiative.
In addition, the Croatian Tourist Board has also provided sustainability labels for Croatian tourism "Hrvatska pridrono tuvoja - Croatia Naturally Yours", with which the planted seedlings are marked, emphasizing the importance of ecological sustainability in the development of tourism.
Information about the planted trees was entered into the application MapMyTree, led by the European Environment Agency, in order to contribute to the global monitoring and recording of tree planting and the preservation of the environment at the world level.
This project has multiple values - it contributes to the preservation of biological diversity, the aesthetic arrangement of space and the promotion of ecologically conscious tourism that nurtures the natural beauty and identity of Vodnjan. Vodnjan thus actively contributes to environmental protection and promotes sustainable practices that are crucial for the future of tourism in Croatia.