Let's continue our walk in Vodnjan and getting to know its famous people, whose names the streets and squares of Vodnjan are proud of. We leave the floor again to some of them, so that they can tell you their life story and explain for themselves what they owed this city.
Giovanni Andrea Dalla Zonca – the mayor of Vodnjan, fascinated by Vodnjan's speech
In the past, we were distinguished Italian nobles who moved from Bergamo to Venice and then to Padua, and the branch from which I am descended moved to Vodnjan, where I was born, in the 18th century.
My name is Giovanni Andrea Dalla Zonca, there is a street named after me, you will find a commemorative plaque on the house where I was born. And what did I do to deserve it? I was the mayor of Vodnjan on several occasions and I tried to improve the daily life of Vodnjan residents. But my fascination was actually language, so since 1841 I systematically collected material for Vodnjan-Italian and Italian-Vodnjan dictionaries. Like some of my other texts, it remained in manuscript and was published only much later, even 121 years after my death! Despite the fact that I was not a trained linguist, I believe that I made a good foundation for the study of the Vodnjan speech and the Romance language layers. They say that I was a valuable source of information about Istria and the archeological findings of Vodnjanština to my contemporaries, and you can check if this is true.
Antonio Smareglia – composer of the opera "Nozze Istriana" inspired by Vodnjan
Although I started studying natural sciences, the call of music was stronger, so I became a composer. My name is Antonio Smareglia and I have dedicated my whole life to composing operas and thinking about how to push the boundaries of music in the theater.
I was not a native of Vodnjan, I was born in nearby Pula, but my roots on my father's side belong to Vodnjan. After living and working in Italy and Vienna, I returned to my Istria in 1894, and already a year later I was writing an opera Istrian wedding (Nozze Istriana). Librettist Luigi Illica suggested that the content be related to Vodnjan and its tradition, which I accepted and created my most performed opera. I believe that the people of Vodnjan are still proud to point that out today.
My career then brought me back to Trieste, where I dedicated myself to creating a new direction called "poetry theater". Although my progressiveness was not always liked by the Italian audience, I still created some of my best works in that country, blind! The failed operation cost me my sight, but I didn't give up on music. I dictated my scores to my sons and students, collaborating with greats like Toscanini, Lehár, Strauss and James Joyce.
Angelo Cecon – benefactor whose property brought a hospital and school to Vodnjan
My name is Angelo Cecon, the people of Vodnjan remember me as a great benefactor, which I hope will encourage you to look for my street while walking through Vodnjan. My ancestors were rich landowners in Italy, more precisely Carnia, and when we moved to Vodnjan, our wealth moved with us.
Life has brought me great pain, my son and heir lost his life too early, so I decided that Vodnjan should be the heir to my entire property. And how was it spent? Many years after my death, the Agricultural School of the Cecon Foundation was established (Scuola Agraria di Fondazione Cecon) which is like a public school named Scuola di avviamento professionale al lavoro di tipo agrario operated until 1945.
Also, I determined that the rent of St. Roka, to whom I bequeathed my land, the Cecon Foundation Hospital will be established (Ospedale di Fondazione Cecon). It was opened in 1893 and served as a nursing home for many years, and today it houses a center for people with special needs.
Tomaso Sotto Corona – the largest grower of mulberry silk in Istria
My name is known throughout Istria, my name is Tomaso Sotto Corona and I come from a family that in the 19th century was the largest grower of silk mulberries in Istria.
We moved to Vodnjan from Italy when I was thirteen years old. As soon as I took over the family business, I very quickly opened a large silk processing plant in Villa Francesca in Vodnjan. I encouraged the cultivation of mulberries because I thought that the climate of Istria was very suitable for them. The mulberries that you will meet on the way to the Vodnjan railway station were planted by me, convinced that with silk we could greatly oppose the economic crisis of that time.
You will certainly find it interesting to know that in 1870 public schools in XNUMX, silk cultivation was a compulsory subject of instruction. My efforts to popularize sericulture prompted me to reward successful breeders, but also to write a booklet Cure pratiche racomandate da T. Sotto Corona a Dignano agli allevatori di bachi a bozzolo giallo (Practical advice for silk mulberry growers).
I actively participated in international congresses of silk weavers, I was a member of all reputable Istrian associations, including the Chamber of Commerce. Although the glorious days of Istrian sericulture are long over, it is worth remembering that in 1879, Istria produced slightly more than 123.500 cocoons of mulberry silk, mostly thanks to me!
Domenico Rismondo – teacher, director and passionate lover of antiques
Although I was born in Rovinj, I was a big fan of Vodnjan's history, so it's time for her to remember me.
My name is Domenico Rismondo, I was a teacher and principal of the Vodnjan Elementary School for many years, and on several occasions also a member of the city administration. I diligently researched the history of Vodnjan and combined everything I gathered in the work Dignano d'Istria nei ricordi (Memories of Vodnjan) published in 1937. For all scientists who followed my path, my work greatly facilitated the study of Vodnjan's history and customs. I especially enjoyed accompanying famous archaeologists in search of remains from the Roman era in our area.
It makes me extremely proud that even today it is said that I contributed to the discovery of the Banjol Basilica of St. Michael and several ancient graves along the so-called "Roman road" that still connects Vodnjan and Pula. It is a great pity that there is no proof of another venture of mine. Namely, I initiated the foundation of the Vodnjan lapidary, which was officially opened in 1927. It was located next to the former monastery of St. Josip, where historical materials from the Byzantine and Roman eras were collected from rural areas and the ruins of certain Vodnjan churches. Today in Vodnjan there are no more traces of the said collection, but my name is still remembered!
Finally, let's note that some familiar faces such as Antonio Smareglija, Pietro Marchesi and Ermini Vojvoda can be met by visiting Vodnjan through augmented reality (AR) using QR codes.
In addition to meeting famous people from Vodnjan, Vodnjan Tourist Board it enabled visitors to take a peek into the former medieval castle that was located on today's main square and to meet the characters from the stories and legends gathered in the first Vodnjan comic "Vodnjan stories".
Fans of wandering along the sea through augmented reality can view several objects found on Dragoons, a valuable archaeological site in the Vodnjan region.
Author of the text: Silvija Jacić
Cover photo: Denis Mirković