The holiday fairy tale in Cres brings a lot of great fun until the end of the year

A beautiful Advent story with thousands of lights, suitable decorations and fun programs for all ages took over the city of Cres. Until the end of the year, we can expect a lot of great music, programs for the youngest, cooking of traditional island dishes, sports events, an Advent butega, special catering offers... A special surprise has been prepared for December 29, when Neno Belan and Fiumens will perform!

cres decoration cube holiday
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

The rich program of the Advent event in Cres, which is organized by the TZG Cres and the City of Cres, and thanks to the great response of Cres associations, institutions, clubs, restaurateurs and individuals, already in the past few weeks has made the city of Cres shine with a special holiday glow, and many events have been enjoyed by are all generations of visitors! In addition to the appropriate catering offer and music programs, the programs for the youngest who have already had the opportunity to hang out with the elves and St. Nicholas, and there are still meetings with Santa Claus and Santa Claus, as well as numerous performances and workshops.

///Advent in Cres brings many surprises for young and old

In order to take visitors to a beautiful fairytale walk, in addition to the main city square, additional locations have been arranged. The Promenade on April 20, the central location of the Advent events, is particularly attractive, offering a special catering offer every day.

advent in cresa program
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

A week of magic and good music follows

The week ahead brings a whole series of events as part of the Advent event in Cres. Thus, on Wednesday, December 13, with appropriate catering and live music, the Santa Lucia restaurant will celebrate feast of St. Lucius. Thursday, December 14 brings a play for children "New Year's Eve" which will be held starting at 17 p.m. in the Frane Petrić Elementary School. It will be held on Friday, December 15, starting at 19:30 p.m Advent training for everyone organized by SRK Only positivity with Christmas cookies and refreshing drinks.

From Friday, December 15 to Sunday, December 17 from 17 to 20 p.m. as part of the program "Christmas magic in the Palace" the youngest will have the opportunity to socialize in the Moise Palace with Santa Claus and whisper your wishes to him. The weekend will also bring a lot of good music to the Promenade on April 20. So he will perform on Friday, December 15 The River Sharks, on Saturday, December 16, the band Macaklini, and on Sunday, December 17, he will play at Advent in Cres tambourines.

advent in cresa program
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

The program of the Advent event in Cres will be particularly rich on Saturday, December 16. Events start already in the morning. Thus, from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m., a fair of local products will be held on the Promenade on April 20 "Advent butega". As part of the fair, local producers will offer all visitors original gifts for the pine floor. At 11 a.m. at the same place, the youngest will be able to participate in a workshop "Margaret's Little School of Sweets". Afternoon hours are reserved for program of the Community of Italians Cres as part of which they will prepare traditional dishes from the island of Cres for all visitors. The evening hours will be additionally warmed up by the band Macaklini.

Numerous events in the continuation of Advent in Cres

The week after will be marked by numerous events in Cres. So from Monday, December 18 to Thursday, December 21 Kindergarten Girica prepares traditional Christmas performances for its students in groups. As part of Advent on the Promenade on Monday, December 18, an event will be held concert of the tambura ensemble.

On Wednesday, December 20, Frane Petrić Elementary School is organizing the traditional Christmas fair of Frane Petrić Primary School. The fair will be held in the school premises from 16:19 to XNUMX:XNUMX.

cres kindergarten
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

On Friday, December 22, a traditional humanitarian basketball spectacle will be held in the organization of the Cres Basketball Club "Christmas basket" starting at 16 pm in the school hall. On the same day, the Community of Italians in Cres will host in its premises Santa Claus starting at 17 a.m.

The new, well-received, location of this year's Advent in Cres – Palača Moise, will host the program "Christmas Magic in the Palace" until December 23rd. The program is primarily intended for the youngest, but also for everyone else who loves the holidays ahead. In the palace, on the last weekend before Christmas, on Friday, December 22 and Saturday, December 23, the youngest will have the opportunity to hang out with Santa Claus.

On Friday, December 22, as part of Advent on the Promenade starting at 19 p.m., they will perform Dino Antonić Trio. The trio will usher all visitors into the holiday season ahead with beautiful Christmas songs. The morning hours on Saturday, December 23 are reserved for Christmas fishing for children and adults organized by ŠRD Parangal.

advent in cresa program
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

Advent in Cres - program from Christmas to New Year's Eve

On the feast of St. Stjepan, on Tuesday, December 26, starting at 19:00 p.m., the Teha choir will hold traditional Christmas concert to the church of St. Mary the Great. Along with the hosts, the women's klapa Teha, the men's klapa Sagen and Kana G from Zagreb and the Burin klapa from Cres will perform.

On Friday, December 29, popular acts will perform in Cres Neno Belan and Fiumensi which will further warm the atmosphere in the city. Traditional farewell to the New Year at noon on Sunday, December 31, will round off a rich program of events with which Cresanke and Cresani and all their guests will conclude the year 2023.

cres decorate lights child
Photo source: Tourist board of the town of Cres

Attractive special programs will also be held in Cres catering facilities, and you can find more information at pages of TZG Cres.

///List of the best Advent events in 2023.


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