How the beautiful queen named the mystical town on Cres

There is probably no place in the world that does not have its own local legend that tells how the place originated or how it got its name. They are one of the places on the Croatian coast that preserves and nurtures the legend of its name Lubenice - settlement on island Cres, which is located 378 meters above sea level and is over four thousand years old.

Lubenice Cres
Lubenice, photo: Rostuhar, TZ Cres

Watermelons are mentioned in antiquity, as a well-fortified and strategically important city Hibernation, in translation cold settlement - most likely due to the icy wind that is common in the settlements at the top of the hill. It's at that time Hibernation was one of the four most important places on the island of Cres, with a fully formed urban center. At the foot of the settlement was an important villa rustica, surrounded by an agricultural area and a port. Numerous archaeological materials from antiquity were later found there: sarcophagus, Egyptian inscriptions, amphorae, money, jewelry and more.

In the Middle Ages, Lubenice was one of the centers of the archipelago, and there is still a medieval fortress, as well as the remains of a medieval city wall and city gates. In addition to the old square, there are numerous churches in Lubenice: Church of St. Sunday, gothic Church of St. Antuna Hermits, the parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a bell tower from the 18th century, Church of St. Jacob.

The place is oval in shape, and two parallel winding streets pass through it. The streets and other branches in Lubenice do not have names, and the houses have numbers from one to forty-two. According to the latest census, only 6 inhabitants live in the town. There is also a school in Lubenice, but as no one under the age of 65 lives there, there is no need for a school.

Lubenice, photo: Rostuhar, TZ Cres

Probably in the long, long history of today's Lubenice there were some legends about the naming of older settlements, but these stories have not reached us. Only one remained in the memory.

How Ljubljenice became Lubenice

According to local legend, the name of this somewhat mystical place with endless views of the open sea and a beautiful pebble beach, which was declared one of the most beautiful in the world, is due to a beautiful royal daughter. According to the story of the origin of the place, in ancient times on the island of Cres lived a king who had a daughter Honey. Since he wanted to marry his daughter into a family of high birth, he did not like it when the young queen returned the love to a young man from the hill on which the town now lies, which did not meet the king's criteria.

Lubenice Cres
Lubenice, photo: Rostuhar, TZ Cres

The king, dissatisfied with his daughter's decision, expelled her from his home in Osor. The queen left with her beloved and settled on the hill. As Ljubica was called, the place was named after her - Pets. The Italians, under whose rule Cres fell in 1918, changed that name. As they could not pronounce Ljubljenice, the place got its name Lubenice.

Watermelon music evenings

Picturesque Lubenice itself is beautiful and mysterious in a way, and this 4.000-year-old stone settlement leaves anyone who visits it breathless. An additional motive for coming is the widely known event that offers visitors real musical treats every Friday through July and August for 34 years in a row.

summer on Cres
Photo: Walter Salković, source: Tourist board of the city of Cres

///The beautiful and mysterious Lubenika music evenings are coming to Cres for the 34th time

Namely, during the summer, the City of Cres traditionally organizes musical evenings in Lubenice, which are attended by a large number of guests. In the church of St. Concerts are held in St. Mary's, and on the square in front of the church, the opening and closing of the event "Lubenička večeri" is held, where numerous international and Croatian authors perform.

One of the most beautiful hidden beaches in the world

In the immediate vicinity of the bay of Žanje is located beach of St. Ivan – one of the most beautiful secluded beaches in the world. Even the German magazine Bild ranked it 15th in the competition of the 40 most beautiful beaches in the world.

Lubenice Cres, beach
Source: Tourist board of the city of Cres

You can reach the beach under the Lubenica cliff on foot on a steep path through a pine forest. Keep in mind that the walk can take about forty minutes, and a bit longer when you climb back up. The beach is also accessible by boat from the sea side.

///Wild, hidden and beautiful: 7 beaches on the island of Cres where you will rest your soul

This bay is decorated with white pebbles that shine in the sun, it is quiet, hidden from view and crowds due to the difficult access. There are no additional facilities on it, so the same rules apply as for the previous beach - bring enough food and water (because, believe me, you will want to stay all day) as well as sun protection.

Lubenice Cres, beach
Source: Tourist board of the city of Cres

Interesting fact: Due to its specific location, this beach is completely silent, so everyone who rests on it respects the privacy of this place and mostly communicates in whispers. Interesting, isn't it?


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