Cultural and tourist route The ways of the Frankopans in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, it unites seventeen castles and three sacred buildings connected to the Frankopan family. There is also eight interpretation centers these routes, and each of them focuses on an area of valuable Francophone heritage. Interpretation centers are arranged and equipped in Francopan castles in Kraljevica, Krk, Bakr, Bribir, Čabr, Brod na Kupa, and Trsat and Grobnik.

Vinodol region
Copper Interpretation Center deals with the influence of the Frankopan and Zrinski families on politics and the economy. In the 16th century, Bakar received great privileges and became the seat of the governor of the Frankopan towns of Hreljin, Drivenik, Bribir and Grobnik. Petar Zrinski gave trade and the port complete freedom with insignificant burdens, which resulted in Bakar being the port with the strongest traffic in the entire Croatian coast.
Center on The tomb deals with Ottoman incursions and political turmoil in the Francopan era. Grobnik had a great defensive importance for Frankopans. During the invasion of the Ottomans, after the battle on Krbavsko polje in 1493, Bernardin Frankopan often stayed in Grobnik.
///Forgotten picture of Princess Julia Frankopan
In Nova Kraljevica, in the central Visitor Center, you can find out what is hidden behind the Zrinsko-Frankopan conspiracy. Tradition says that in 1669, in the palace chapel, in front of the statue of the Mother of God, Count Petar Zrinski and Marquis Fran Krsto Frankopan conspired "to liberate the homeland from foreigners...", therefore it is believed that the place where the Conspiracy was forged was the Nova Kraljevica castle.

Interpretation center in Bribir represents the protection of human rights and the system of criminal law in the era of the Frankopan family. In it, residents of nine Vinodol municipalities elect representatives who, in order to protect their rights, not only write down folk legal customs, but also rethink them in the new circumstances of feudalism. In promoting the spirit of justice, the code is still relevant and instructive today.
///LEDENICE – the never-defeated guardian of Francopan Vinodol
Trsat exposes the role of Francopans in the cultural momentum and the spread of spirituality. Francopan patronage was enjoyed by several church orders, two of them had a special place - Franciscans and Paulines. The monks prayed for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of the souls of the deceased for the donors, but there are also important secular reasons for Francopan patronage.
Gorski kotar region
Center in Čabr explains how Frankopani and Zrinski managed the family manor successfully. Namely, in the 16th century, the Frankopans were succeeded by the Zrinskis. Stjepan Frankopan, the last male descendant of the Ozalj branch, concluded a contract with Nikola Šubić Zrinski, the husband of his sister Katarina, by which the remaining inheritance of the Frankopans of Ozaljski passed into the hands of the descendants of Nikola and Katarina.

In Brod na Kupa visitors will be delighted by the attitude of Frankopan and Zrinski towards nature. Both of them, using the natural resources of Gorski kotar, also committed numerous mistakes that are characteristic of modern man even today. Nature quickly told them with torrents and floods where their borders were.
Krk region
Interpretation Center Krk tells the story of the architectural traces of the Frankopan family. Namely, from the 12th to the 15th century, the Frankopans built a castle on Krk, intending it to have a defensive function as well as the possibility of sheltering the regiment during an attack. The construction of the fort is layered, and as a foundation it takes the remains of the earlier, Roman and late antique phases of the city.

The Frankopan princes of Krk marked more than five and a half centuries of Croatian history: from Dujmo to Fran Krsta, from Gradec na Krk to Vienna's New Town, from 1118 to 1671, the members of this noble family were the bearers of the political, social, economic and cultural development of Croatia . Frankopans participated in numerous battles, and resourcefulness, education, diplomacy, and above all the desire to preserve their own possessions, sustained this family for centuries.
Cover photo: Interpretation Center Bribir
Photo source: Primorje-Gorski Kotar County/ Prorsus