Slavonian tačkrle: remember the taste of your childhood and enjoy this delicacy

Taški, tašci, tachkrli, tachkrli. So many different names, but the recipe is always the same and unique - it's about traditional Slavonian meal which were prepared by our mothers and grandmothers, and after years and years away from home, the very thought of this delicious dish will bring back the visible and invisible flavors of childhood.

dots dream mijac
Photo: Sanja Mijac, source: archive of the Tourist Board of Vukovar-Srijem County

The preparation is very simple, it takes about half an hour of your time and the most delicious homemade dough pillows filled with jam and sprinkled with crumbs will bring back a touch of some old, nostalgic times when housewives did not know about purchased pasta, but it was always made with love with the help of their loved ones housekeeper. This filling dish can be served as a dessert or as a main course.

Recipe for tatkrles


- 500 g of flour
- 2 eggs
- 0,7 dcl of water
- 2 teaspoons of oil
- a pinch of salt

- hard jam
- crumbs

Photo: Denis Despot/ Tourist Board of Osijek-Baranja County

<strong>Preparation: </strong>

Knead the dough from all the above ingredients and leave a little on the side. Then boil the salted water in the container in which the points will be cooked. Roll the dough well into two parts and sprinkle one part evenly with piles of jam. Then, cover the first part with the second part of the dough and press it between the piles of jam with your fingers. Cut the dough with a dough cutter.

Boil the dots in boiling water and take them out after five to seven minutes and roll them in bread crumbs fried in a pan with sugar.

Tačkrle, Slavonian gastronomy, The world of Graševina
Photo: Vedran Bošković

If you want, you can also serve this dish with ground walnuts and sugar or poppy seeds and sugar, depending on which you prefer.


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