Let's save the Balkan lynx, the most endangered cat in Europe

“Nature is not a place to visit. She is home ”

Gary Snyder

It is a well-known statement by Gary Snyder, an American poet, essayist and environmental activist, also known as the ‘poetic laureate of deep ecology’. Of course, most would agree with this statement, yet many do not fully understand it, nor put it into practice. We carefully guard our home and the things in it, but do we keep our other home, Mother Nature, and the things in it, that is, the precious flora and fauna?

Based on similar values, and especially the common care for nature that we leave to future generations as a legacy, a commendable cooperation has emerged. WWF and HIGHLANDER. They were connected by a concern for preservation Balkan lynx, which is among the most endangered cats in Europe. There are only between 20 and 40 of them in the entire area of ​​residence, mostly living in the forests of Northern Macedonia, and can be found in both Kosovo and Albania. Therefore, they are working diligently on changes to the hunting law in Northern Macedonia, encouraging the re-declaration of the Mavrovo (where the lynx is most often found) as a national park, as well as the adoption of a management plan that will better protect this endangered species.

Common by the action of collecting donations, WWF and HIGHLANDER want to improve the monitoring of the Balkan lynx, which is why they plan to buy special cameras that will record its movement and help them to monitor Balkan lynx populations, which will greatly benefit them in further preserving this subspecies of the Eurasian lynx, which has been completely abandoned and forgotten, on the verge of extinction. 

WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is one of the most active advocates of nature conservation. The World Conservation Organization has been active in more than a hundred countries on six continents for 60 years protects the future of nature, creating a world in which people live in harmony with nature. To maximize impact and ensure a positive future, WWF often joins forces with charities and NGOs. 

- Because of the values ​​we share, we are convinced that cooperation with HIGHLANDER is the ideal way to communicate and act for a common goal - the protection of flora and fauna. HIGHLANDER promotes adventure in nature, and it certainly wouldn't be so special if it weren't for protected areas where individuals can enjoy the pristine natural balance. Man in harmony with nature is the motto of WWF, and this is exactly what HIGHLANDER promotes, he points out Nataša Kalauz, Executive Director of WWF Adria.

HIGHLANDERS is the most famous series of mountaineering events in the world that highlights the benefits of mountaineering, from strengthening physical and mental health, to discovering the stunning beauties of nature, through clean air and recharging the batteries on the so-called digital detox to meet like-minded people and make wonderful friendships.

- We feel that HIGHLANDER has become a movement that has the power to influence an individual’s thinking. That strength comes from the HIGHLANDER community and all those who have attended or will attend our events. Working with WWF gives this force direction and teaches us how to engage effectively and where it is most needed, while at the same time providing an opportunity to educate about nature and all its riches, which as such are the greatest value of all HIGHLANDER events. We truly believe that through cooperation with WWF, the HIGHLANDER community will be activated and contribute to the efforts to keep the lynx a resident of its natural habitat in Croatia and the region in the near and distant future. " - he pointed out Jurica Barać, one of the founders of HIGHLANDER.

It is important to note how everyone those interested can also get involved in this wonderful action and donate means to save an endangered species of Balkan lynx, namely via the following LINK.


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