The Black Queen - how to turn an interesting story into a tourist product

- A woman in black, pale-faced, elegant movements with a great entourage wandering the mountain trails, now good now evil. Her scepter burns fire, frying and dissolving everything around her. The queen appears at night, emerges in beauty and plunges into suffering. Her black hair, like the crow she rode, brushed her proper face, and her emerald eyes flickered like sunshine.

The raven Tugomir is dozing on the queen's shoulder - according to legend - the queen's petrified heart is due to unrequited love.

- Sometimes he would fly his way, invisible to the riders, he would only appear at the Queen's whistle. This time he sat quietly on the queen's shoulder, almost invisible, only his beak would flash when he shook his head. The Queen and Tugomir share food from a tray: Crumbs to you, crumbs to me. Eat comrades! Tugomir jumped on her shoulder and bent his beak to her ear. Key him. -Lucifer! Beelzebub! - rebuked him. When we arrive in Samobor, I will take you to the dungeon.

She was introduced with this introduction book The Black Queen 1,2,3 in the Zagreb County Tourist Board. Legend has it that this woman of enchanting beauty but wicked heart once existed. The very thought of her aroused fear in her subjects and enemies. Her name was mentioned in a whisper, and the alleged acts caused horror.

black queen

It was Barbara Celjska, popularly known as the Black Queen, and the story of her was told by Mirjana Novak Perjanec, the author of the eponymous books in three sequels of which the first is presented today.

Mirjana Novak Perjanec revealed some secrets about the infamous ruler of Medvedgrad, and the director of the Zagreb County Tourist Board Ivana Alilović pointed out on this occasion that the Tourist Board recognizes the potential of their region through adventure tourism and storytelling.

- Legends and stories are the foundation of the tourist product and any initiative in this direction is welcome. When you have such an interesting story, it should be turned into a tourist product, there is a great potential of our county. Big capital lies precisely in stories and legends that can be very cleverly packaged into a tourist product and make tourist tours even more attractive., Alilović pointed out at the presentation of the book.

Barbara Celjska was born in 1392. Father Herman II. As a child, Celjski promised her to Sigismund of Luxembourg, whom she married at the age of 16. She had an exciting, hard, life. After her husband expelled her and her daughter in 1419 due to an argument, she spent her time in captivity writing, reading books on alchemy. She spoke Latin, Croatian, Hungarian, French and Czech. She spent a good part of her life on the southern slopes of Medvednica, more precisely in Medvedgrad, the most famous burg in Croatia, the cursed city.

The author of an interesting edition, Mirjana Novak Perjanec, is the implementer of the program on HRT, employed as a permanent external associate as a film secretary, assistant director, production and post-production of media content. She is also the author of feature films, series, pilots, studio shows and documentaries, the host of numerous multimedia projects, a member of the Croatian Society of Dramatic Artists and the Croatian Association of Digital Artists.

The book was illustrated by Boris Kugler and edited by Silvija Šesto. And last but not least, the headline made you read this article.

- Legend has it that one sad night the Black Queen, carrying her freshly grown black roses, set off in the usual gallop across the Official's Meadow, to the Queen's Well, and never returned. Where did she go? Did she die? It was never found out. Only in the cliffs of Medvedgrad there is a petrified rock with the image of the Black Queen next to which every night someone leaves fresh flowers. Sometimes black, sometimes red roses.


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