The filming of the joint promotional film of the Tourist Boards of Otočac, Brinj and Vrhovina, which premiered at the 30th anniversary celebration, was completed these days. Tourist boards of the City of Otočac. Having received funds from the Croatian Tourist Board, they joined forces to present their places and attract visitors, who will long remember the experiences and peculiarities of their region.
Unlike the extras in similar videos, the locals from the mentioned places in this video, about forty of them in four days, acted themselves and showed exactly those segments of life that make them happy. It is important to note something unusual - this video has two beginnings and two endings. The former is driven by emotion, and the latter is somewhat artistic. Both are connected by keys, unlocking which you go on an adventure and collecting experiences.
VIDEO: Otočac, Brinje and Vrhovine and their diversity
The opening shot features a traditional Lika family and their grandchildren, and finding the keys to the Sokolac castle actually begins the magic. In approximately 2,5 minutes, frames will alternate before the viewer's eyes, as if on a film strip Sokolac castle and the fortresses of Fortica, of the river Gacka, Lake Brodić, Švički waterfalls, Majer's vril, St. George's Rocks, stone bridge, history carved in stone, shelters for bears and other natural and cultural beauties, and gastronomic specialties and various outdoor activities will further confirm that this area has real pearls. By dynamically changing the shots, we wanted to achieve playfulness and variety that can be used to describe all the recorded locations.
The video is guided by a narrator in English who describes the shots in a metaphorical sense. The creative concept of the video and the script are signed by Hana Klain from the Klain PR agency, the director and cinematographer is Filip Bašić from DOKU FILMS, with the assistance of Stjepan Dolenec.
Production duties were taken over by Viktorija Rogić from the Otočac Tourist Board, and Nikolina Holjak from Arsa design studio created the graphics. Filip Bašić and Danijel Kačavenda are responsible for the editing, and Damian Paić for the animations.
We believe that this video will also attract visitors to visit the beautiful Lika and just discover the beauty in the shown frames.