I bring you a guide to the possibilities of enjoying the snow joys of Gorski kotar. Is there anything better than going out in the open, on the snow and enjoying yourself during these winter holidays. Arm yourself with hats, scarves and gloves because below you can read information about organized toboggan runs and ski resorts, refreshment options during lockdown, skating, as well as other ideas of what to do if you decide to go to Gorski kotar for a day or already have a rented one. accommodation. If you have information we haven't mentioned, let us know at jelena@lynxandfox.com
Photo: Jelena Holenko
TOILING - fun for the whole family
If you go to Ravna Gora, you can go sledding at the restaurants Breza and Bijela Ruža. More information as well as locations about these facilities can be found on their website: www.bijela-ruza.hr or www.breza-rg.hr . We find out that both facilities offer food and drinks 'for outside', and you can dine inside the restaurant only if you are a guest of their rooms, since both facilities also have accommodation. In Tršće you can sled and refresh yourself at Apartments Jurković where you can also look for accommodation, www.apartmani-jurkovic.info U Municipality of Fužine, at the exit from the highway there is a place Vrata where the code is Amusement and Paintball Park Doors made another toboggan run. There is no conveyor belt and there is currently no catering offer, but it is being prepared for the future. You can also find information on their website www.paintball-vrata.com
Photo: Jelena Holenko
Municipality of Lokve she arranged a toboggan run, but without a conveyor belt and a catering offer above the former Bistro "Jezero". In addition to daily entertainment, you have the opportunity to sled on a lighted trail from 17 pm to 20 pm. Find more info on the Facebook page Municipality of Lokve.
Two more suitable places for sledding can be found in Kupjak near the former Gina building, as well as in Begovo Razdolje. Kupjak is a private property that we hope will soon come to life again as an official toboggan run. In Begovo Razdolje, people sled on the slopes full of snow, and it is the highest populated place in Croatia where you do not hesitate to buy gold-awarded cheese in the family farm Francišković.
Photo: Jelena Holenko
Very popular toboggan run is also located at Mountain Center Petehovac Delnice. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a conveyor belt either, but it's not charged either. The mountain lodge offers food and drinks outside, and if you are their guest you can enjoy the warm interior next to the open fireplace with great food. Look through all the information through www.petehovac.com.hr
In the field Čelimbaša ski resort in Mrkopalj the toboggan run is also arranged, there is no charge, there is no conveyor belt. Hostel Ski resort Mrkopalj offers drinks and food outside. www.skijaskidommrkopalj.com
Photo: Jelena Holenko
SKIING - opportunities are limited
The Čelimbaša ski resort in Mrkopalj started operating this weekend (January 8-10.1), and in the future everything depends on the weather and snowfall. You can search for the code TIC Mrkopalj or Hostel Ski resort Mrkopalj Working hours are generally from 9 am to 16 pm, the price of a full-day ticket is HRK 100,00, while for a half-day ticket you will pay HRK 60,00. He took care of the catering offer Hostel Ski resort Mrkopalj which offers drinks and food for outside. Find out about the possibility at the foot of the location at www.skijaskidommrkopalj.com.
U Shares the rink is available and open every day from 08:00 to 20:30 in the Multifunctional Hall for Sports and Tourism. Ticket prices are from HRK 10,00 - HRK 15,00, while skates can be rented for HRK 10,00. 25 people are allowed to enter per term, so we recommend arriving about 30-45 minutes before the desired date. You can see additional information on the Facebook page Goranski Sports Center Delnice or www.gsc-pgz.hr where you can also find out about the possibilities of using the city pool with a limit of 10 people at once.
Photo: Jelena Holenko
PLATAK - The maximum number of daily ski passes on sale is 500, and for sledders it is 100. Currently, only daily passes and season tickets are on sale. If you want to get your ticket, we suggest that you go to the "hill of enjoyment" as soon as possible. Follow all the news at www.platak.hr
Photo: Platak Facebook
You have to try Nordic skiing if you haven't already, and the possibility of using the trails is currently in Ravna Gora, Skrad, Mrkopalj and Delnice. Use of the trail is free of charge.
Trails in Ravna Gora (1,3 and 2,5 km) are arranged for recreational cross-country skiing - more information on the Facebook page TSK Ravnogorac. Trails in Skrad were made in the area of Skradska draga, from the entrance to Skradska draga to the Perić lookout. Trails can also be used for and for walking. More information can be found at www.skrad.com.
In the area of Mrkopalj, cross-country ski trails have been made in the area of Zagmajna. You will learn more from SD Bjelolasica Mrkopalj or Tourist Info Center Mrkopalj.
In Delnice, the Ski Club Goranin Delnice arranged cross-country ski trail at the football stadium in Delnice that stretches into the Japlenški Vrh Forest Park. A lot of effort has been invested in the preparation of all trails by the Ski Clubs of Gorski Kotar. They are intended for recreational skiing for all lovers of this sport, and users are asked to keep them.
Photo: Jelena Holenko
In Delnice, the skating rink in the Multifunctional Hall for Sports and Tourism is available and open every day from 08:00 to 20:30. The ticket price is from HRK 10,00 - HRK 15,00, while you can rent skates for HRK 10,00. 25 people are allowed to enter per term, so we recommend arriving about 30-45 minutes before the desired date. You can see additional information on the Facebook page Goranski Sports Center Delnice or www.gsc-pgz.hr where you can also find out about usage options city pool with a limit of 10 people at a time.
Experience an adrenaline-fueled quad ride - INFO can be found at www.quadgorskikotar.com If you want to experience Gorski kotar through the eyes of a guide, find out something you didn't know about Gorski kotar yet, be sure to contact us at Lynx and Fox. There are currently no open trips, but be sure to sign up for our newsletter: https://bit.ly/3bhgH6p Visit the Vrelo cave on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am to 15 pm. Entrance fee for adults 30,00 kn, children 25,00 kn, family, ticket (2 + up to three children) 60,00 kn. 50% of the total proceeds from ticket sales will be donated for the needs of the victims of the earthquake in the area of Petrinja, Glina and Sisak. More info on Facebook page Tourist info Fužine. Excursion site Forest Fairy Tale in Lič near Fužine works by appointment on the number - 098 / 326-573.
If you are in the mood to tour the historical heritage there it is Popovic's Mill in Delnice. The tour costs 15,00 kn per person (with the announcement of the host Alen Beljan - 099 / 197-15-20), while to visit the cultural monument "House Rački" in Delnice you will announce the hostess Dušanka Crnković on the number 095 / 906-5766. For a ticket you will pay 10 kuna for adults and 8 kuna for children. If you want to buy or taste liqueurs, brandies and digestive products of Gorski kotar, you will contact Vid Arbanas in House of Nature Wheel on 098 / 965-91-56, and you can see the offer at www.kucaprirode.com.
Photo: Jelena Holenko
Enjoy! Lynx and Fox is a small agency located in the heart of Gorski Kotar, which from spring to autumn every weekend organizes interesting nature walks with kind licensed guides. The order of walking, the order of tastings, the order of interesting stories. We offer tours for singles, couples, families, friends, 5 km to 20 km, various weights…